Created in 2019, the Erie Foundation is the result of one family joining forces, determined to create real lasting change.

The foundation focuses on mental health and supports projects which help improve prevention, care, research and people’s perceptions of mental illness.

The foundation has made a commitment to highlight daily ’on the ground’ experiences and act as an advocate for changes in public policy that will lead to better mental health for all.

Why mental

Mental health affects us all.

However, it is still the ‘poor relation’
when it comes to both public and private investment.
The Erie Foundation decided to take on this challenge
and place it at the center of its mission.

Its aim is to listen to the experiences
of people working in the field and then work
to support them, so every individual receives
efficient, appropriate and rapid care.

“Mental health is a state of well-being that enables people to realize their abilities, cope with the stresses of life, work successfully and contribute to their community.

In a positive sense, mental health is essential for an individual’s well-being and the functioning of a community.”

World Health Organization

Who are we?

The Erie Foundation supports organizations – which take a humanist and innovative approach to mental health. It consists of a Board of Directors, a Group of Experts and a management team.

The Erie Foundation operates the Erie Fund, hosted by the King Baudouin Foundation.

Board of Directors

The five founding family members decide on the Foundation’s strategic direction and select which projects to support.

Group of Experts

The Board of Directors can draw on advice from a group of experts who have collective expertise covering the whole range of mental health issues.

The management team

is responsible for developing and implementing the strategy and liaising with the governance of the foundation.

Portrait Project sponsor

Sandrine Broutin

Portrait Project sponsor

Sandrine Broutin

Executive director of Oeuvre Falret

« It’s about having intellectual rigour and refusing to make plans without involving the people concerned. »
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Portrait Expert

Charles-Edouard Notredame

Portrait Expert

Charles-Edouard Notredame

Psychiatrist in the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Department at the UHC University Hospital of Lille.

« Access to care is one of the cornerstones of mental health. »
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Portrait Expert

Denis Legay

Portrait Expert

Denis Legay


« Despite the undeniable recent progress, mental health remains a hard concept for the general public to understand. There is a great need for information, a need for a bottom-up approach and a need to monitor and counteract negative images. »
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Portrait Project sponsor

Pierre Maly

Portrait Project sponsor

Pierre Maly

Manager and a volunteer at Le Jardin Pêcheur, a restaurant in Bordeaux providing employment to disabled people

« [...] Dealing with every employee on a case-by-case basis and having an honest discussion about what’s possible and what their limits are. »
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Portrait Beneficiary

Vincent Gross

Portrait Beneficiary

Vincent Gross

Employee at the ‘Manège réenchanté au Jardin Pêcheur’ and member of the Clubhouse in Bordeaux, VIncent Gross is a HEC business school graduate with an MBA.

« [...] We urgently need to create more spaces which aim to foster social reintegration and help people come out of isolation [...] and prepare each individual to find employment, according to their wishes and capabilities. »
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Portrait Project sponsor

Caroline Matte

Portrait Project sponsor

Caroline Matte

Co-founder and Director of La Maison Perchée.

« Ensuring that the people concerned are included at every stage of the project. »
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Portrait Expert

Dr. Jean-Victor Blanc

Portrait Expert

Dr. Jean-Victor Blanc

A psychiatrist and addictologist at Saint-Antoine Hospital (AP-HP, Paris), Jean-Victor Blanc is also a lecturer at Sorbonne University and founder of ‘Culture Pop et Psy’.

« [...] the priority here should be working to finally shift how we regard mental health. [...] By moving away from these stereotypes, we can revisit certain clichés, which will allow us to look after ourselves better and also promote inclusion. »
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