Sandrine Broutin

PORTRAIT Project sponsor

Sandrine Broutin

The charity is a key player in the field of mental health and a pioneer supporting people with mental illness. It advocates for the rights of those with mental illness to receive the support they need to recover and be citizens in their own rights.

Sandrine Broutin
« It’s about having intellectual rigour and refusing to make plans without involving the people concerned. »
What’s the biggest challenge when launching a mental health project?

The greatest challenge when launching a mental health project is convincing our partners that our innovative work will have a real and positive impact on the lives of those affected and really support them in their recovery.
It’s about having intellectual rigour and refusing to make plans without involving the people concerned, right from the start and throughout the whole process of realising a project.
It’s also about finding the right environment for a project to succeed and removing the all-too-frequent barriers. It’s about combatting the negative images and common misconceptions which lead to fear and rejection of those affected by mental illness.

Portrait Beneficiary

Vincent Gross

Portrait Beneficiary

Vincent Gross

Employee at the ‘Manège réenchanté au Jardin Pêcheur’ and member of the Clubhouse in Bordeaux, VIncent Gross is a HEC business school graduate with an MBA.

« [...] We urgently need to create more spaces which aim to foster social reintegration and help people come out of isolation [...] and prepare each individual to find employment, according to their wishes and capabilities. »
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